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March 31 2021
TikTok has become a unique platform to teach consumers about dairy farming in a fun way
March 29 2021
The future is bright for college students studying agriculture
March 26 2021
As women, we are farmers, farmer’s daughters, farmer’s wives, and so many other things, but that does not dictate our roles or capabilities
March 24 2021
Farming with family is not always easy, but we can make it work
March 23 2021
Sustainability is a priority for today’s consumers – let’s make sure they know that farmers are already good stewards of the land
March 22 2021
Popular ag promoter Dairy Carrie offers advice on how to become a sponsored advocate
March 5 2021
Much like a pop quiz, regular state and federal inspections keep dairy farmers on their toes
Feb. 26 2021
A year ago I was networking with hundreds of people from all over the country. Today I am attending Zoom meetings. Both experiences have provided me something to be grateful for
Feb. 23 2021
It’s National FFA Week – a time to honor the organization that has shaped countless students
Feb. 22 2021
Our farm has been able to keep running despite the nasty winter weather that’s hit this month
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Feb. 10 2021
There’s a trend going around on Instagram right now asking people to list eight blessings in their life
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Feb. 9 2021
Last year at this time, I was in Arizona attending the International Dairy Foods Association Dairy Forum for the first time
new mexico milkmaid
Feb. 8 2021
Tara Vander Dussen, also known as the New Mexico Milkmaid, understands that people need to feel comfortable if they are going to ask a question of a dairy farmer
Feb. 5 2021
The other night, our robotic milkers called 36 times with one alarm or another. My dad got an early start on morning milking simply because he had been up since 11 p.m. the night prior tending to the robots
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Jan. 13 2021
It’s no secret that more and more farmers are feeling the call to share their lives on social media. As one of those farmers, I say it’s a calling that you eventually can’t ignore
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Jan. 12 2021
For most people, January is considered a fresh start. Belongings are often organized and purged to make room for the new, nutrition is top of mind after indulging in holiday treats, and many consider improving...
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Jan. 4 2021
If one of your resolutions for 2021 is to take better care of your mind, you have a tasty option: eat more cheese
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Dec. 1 2020
I have a notebook where I dump everything from my brain. Thoughts, to-do lists, goals . . . you name it, it’s all there
Nov. 24 2020
The year 2020 has been quite the roller coaster ride. I’d say being dairy farmers who are used to ups and downs may have given us a little better handle on how to deal with this crazy year, but it...
abbie blog
Nov. 20 2020
For many of us, the last Friday the 13th (back in March) was the last normal day we had, and the first day we realized how serious this pandemic really was